The US Federal Bureau of Investigation will dish out $400 million to US operator Verizon to modernize and expand its network infrastructure, data and voice solutions.

The job, termed an Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions task order is designed to help the agency’s connectivity hardware meet what it calls an ‘increasing demands for data bandwidth around the globe successfully.’ The upgrades will apparently enable the FBI to support things such as cloud computing, ‘video and imaging transmissions’, and data applications all of which its current set up presumably is struggling under the weight of.

Kit included in the upgrade includes ethernet access capabilities (which seems like something they would have already) and ‘global Virtual Private Network Services with a Verizon 4G LTE and 5G Nationwide cellular fixed wireless access arrangement’. All of this will provide The FBI agents with the sort of high speed and low latency connections that modern crime fighting needs, we’re told.


“We understand the critical nature of the work we will do with the FBI to improve network availability, enhance operational efficiency, use tailored approaches to meet individual division needs, and help modernize technology,” said Maggie Hallbach, Senior Vice President, Public Sector at Verizon. “Building on nearly 20 years of partnership with the Bureau, this next phase will provide stable solutions and a modern network that is faster, more scalable and secure that will help the FBI achieve its mission.”

Who knows how antiquated the Bureau’s network is, but perhaps any upgrades can be seen in the context of recent calls by it and other US law enforcement/spook agencies with regards to an increasing threat of cyber attacks emanating from both Russia and China.



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