Big companies doing big things. That was the theme for September at Data Center Frontier. Reader favorites for the month included Google going even greener, Microsoft making servers last longer (by deploying them underwater), Facebook building bigger than ever, Amazon refining its edge strategy, and Equinix repositioning its brand.
Not to mention billion-dollar funding announcements from Aligned and GI Partners, our Executive Roundtable, and a late-month M&A deal.
Here are the 10 most popular stories on Data Center Frontier in September 2020, in order of article views:
- Beyond Colo: Equinix Repositions as Digital Infrastructure Company: Equinix, the world’s largest provider of colocation and interconnection services, provider, is repositioning itself as “the world’s digital infrastructure company.” It’s the latest wrinkle in the language of the data center industry.
In September, Data Center Frontier’s guest column series, Voices of the Industry, featured insight from leaders at DCi Data Center Infrastructures, wtec, ProLift Rigging, DataBank, Server Technology, QTS Data Centers, CoreSite and Stream Data Centers. Here are the Voices columns that were most popular with DCF readers last month:
- Five Critical Success Factors in Data Center Construction (DCi): Brett Semans, Managing Principal at DCi Data Center Infrastructures, delves into how the data center build process has evolved. Read on to further explore how to ensure data center construction success.
- The Right Cloud Strategy Starts With the Right Data Center Strategy (DataBank): JP Laqueur, Senior Vice President of Marketing at DataBank, explores the close ties between cloud strategy and success and data center strategy and approaches. .
- 5-Point Plan for Eliminating Human Error in Data Center Operations (BCS): John Hevey, Vice President, Corporate Technical Service at BCS Data Center Operations, offers a step-by-step plan to cut down on human error and data center outages in data center operations.
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