
Congratulations once again to Swetha from DN Gear on closing yet another Five Figure .XYZ domain name sale, This time selling Lever.XYZ on Dan.com for $19,888 USD.

Lever.xyz was registered on 25th of February 2020, having owned and held the domain name for 20 months approx before a nice sale, the domain name is pending transfer so we shall await confirmation of who the end-user is that might have purchased the domain name.

This follows many successful sales early this year, selling Squid.xyz for $34,888 USD, Agora.xyz for $27,888 USD, Flip.xyz for $27,888 USD among many more… It’s great to see her break six figures in domain name sales on just .xyz domains.


About the Author


Robbie Ferguson is an Internet Entrepreneur, Domain Investor, Domain Broker, Blogger and founder of various websites and eCommerce businesses such as ScreenProtectors.co.uk

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Original article: Another 5 Figure Keyword .XYZ Sold –

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