A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on April 10, 2022.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

FeelingFat.comEnded with bids$197.0038
Lemonayd.comEnded with bids$212.0042
Zero-Emission.comEnded with bids$205.0019
OurFarmer.comEnded with bids$540.0044
FightMode.comEnded with bids$510.0043
DonaldTrump.orgEnded with bids$2,181.0071
MuchLess.comEnded with bids$1,073.0083
IllinoisQuiltHistory.comEnded with bids$48.005
FamilyBus.comEnded with bids$235.0046
ColumbusBotanicalGarden.comEnded with bids$185.0031
FishermensGrotto.comEnded with bids$316.0017
basagrisi.comEnded with bids$66.0010
FootballPress.netEnded with bids$55.0010
Makar.infoEnded with bids$305.0051
dcfoodtrucks.orgEnded with bids$150.0023
InvestMenTag.comEnded with bids$601.0081
yamakawa.comEnded with bids$1,441.0069
fckremen.comEnded with bids$910.0051
Lit420.comEnded with bids$40.006
BefitPro.comEnded with bids$122.0025
sjbasketball.comEnded with bids$49.007
UsedBucketTrucks.netEnded with bids$73.008
mbchain.comEnded with bids$177.0034
InjuryLawyersColorado.comEnded with bids$223.0024
StpaulCatholicChicagoheights.orgEnded with bids$38.003
FabFoundry.comEnded with bids$525.0039
FreeCharityFurniturePickup.comEnded with bids$898.00120
neworldreview.netEnded with bids$110.007
UrbanSimplicity.coEnded with bids$103.0027
zkmeta.comEnded with bids$147.0027
DynamicObjects.comEnded with bids$666.0030
Inkheart.comEnded with bids$685.0032
mwsgames.comEnded with bids$157.0015
PonyExpressPizza.comEnded with bids$180.008
TeenGangbang.comEnded with bids$512.0026
77Game.comEnded with bids$3,450.0097
TinTway.comEnded with bids$390.0027
ExtraPlayers.comEnded with bids$507.0086
LarkUs.comEnded with bids$22.004
UltraLawnCare.comEnded with bids$203.0026
davessmallenginerepairllc.comEnded with bids$41.007
browsenpm.orgEnded with bids$425.0012
BudaSodaFountain.comEnded with bids$216.0039
BigskyRestaurantSupply.comEnded with bids$285.0045
9ui.ccEnded with bids$110.0019
IncenseFalls.comEnded with bids$193.0014
23ps.comEnded with bids$205.0024
pearlharborattacked.comEnded with bids$365.0014
888872.comEnded with bids$625.0072
CodyMotel.comEnded with bids$105.0016
ecoplexity.orgEnded with bids$185.008
ShockleyAndRansomLaw.comEnded with bids$58.008
GovernmentFraud.comEnded with bids$345.0028
EmployabilityCentre.orgEnded with bids$701.0087
eusafada.comEnded with bids$272.0039
FranksPizzaSubs.comEnded with bids$490.0060
irlnft.comEnded with bids$205.0031
34456.comEnded with bids$195.0029
paiao.comEnded with bids$510.0022
fondazionefornace.orgEnded with bids$305.0015
Manga2000.comEnded with bids$1,825.00158
BenchPressGains.comEnded with bids$105.009
artpowerhk.comEnded with bids$215.0013
becanium.comEnded with bids$309.0037
AllisNow.comEnded with bids$505.0071
MetaGay.comEnded with bids$6,800.00162
GramercyResidences.comEnded with bids$313.0024
sato.orgEnded with bids$665.0039
BloomBrands.comEnded with bids$870.0041
danidroidmaster.comEnded with bids$564.00100
WesternLights.comEnded with bids$590.0023
backalleybbqdc.comEnded with bids$475.0048
austeninsurancebrokers.comEnded with bids$101.0017
gkverse.comEnded with bids$155.0027
StudioCentral.comEnded with bids$1,180.0034
yhba.comEnded with bids$250.0038
ActivePath.comEnded with bids$2,500.0078
findanews.comEnded with bids$220.0047
StaffOlogy.comEnded with bids$1,270.0042
6SquareCabinets.comEnded with bids$385.0018
CakeSolutions.netEnded with bids$287.0034
Rubbish.netEnded with bids$301.0050
hyil.comEnded with bids$655.0033
InternetMarketingCircle.comEnded with bids$420.0062
marineart.comEnded with bids$836.0042
CelebrationLaw.comEnded with bids$207.0033
mnvr.comEnded with bids$805.0063
usedcarfactorytc.comEnded with bids$900.0065
SoLana.coEnded with bids$5,433.00109
KingstonCollege.orgEnded with bids$2,760.0077
mattresskinglv.comEnded with bids$709.0055
nbnnews.comEnded with bids$4,350.0076
LateNiteLabs.comEnded with bids$960.00139
MuraSaki.comEnded with bids$7,100.00105
Janet.netEnded with bids$1,605.0079
RecyclingAppeal.comEnded with bids$445.0070
GadgetPlanet.comEnded with bids$5,734.00200
ponta.comEnded with bids$5,049.0059
grp.netEnded with bids$1,412.0058
CoinBanks.comEnded with bids$5,002.00150
Spirity.comEnded with bids$2,818.0091
HeyMom.comEnded with bids$3,050.0096
HealthcareConsultants.comEnded with bids$2,655.00121
kelu.comEnded with bids$8,600.00101
nybulletin.comEnded with bids$6,325.0099
OutfitFashion.comEnded with bids$1,925.0099
hk9.comEnded with bids$2,522.00119
jm.orgEnded with bids$40,001.00127
9xe.comEnded with bids$1,145.00129
mixx.comEnded with bids$46,000.00230

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

Syntax.sh – meaningful keyword, .sh… not quite mainstream…


KeyBox.io – sounds like a blockchain thing.


8020.io – means something in the productivity space. current price = a pretty solid buy IMO…

At $265 with a day left

Payables.xyz – gotta love the “pay” part of that SLD…

At $10 with a day left

PalaceMeta.com – guess we’ll see if ANY kind of meta KW sells… got a solid bid!

At 1,500 EUR and ends today

Namejet Names at Auction

eezi.com $3,140
kimsa.com $2,355
digitalb.com $2,350
GrayLand.com $1,500
DarkValley.com $960
BusinessCreative.com $910
lof.net $815
bgcd.com $595
SolidHub.com $583
NorthShoreOfLongIsland.com $510


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Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF APRIL 10, 2022

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