A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on April 25, 2022.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

83577.comEnded with bids$510.0050
86578.comEnded with bids$171.0027
9042.comEnded with bids$4,683.0046
9saf.comEnded with bids$286.0033
airserverapp.comEnded with bids$1,975.0065
ambrsoft.comEnded with bids$1,225.0036
babygiftsoutlet.comEnded with bids$240.008
badkit.comEnded with bids$260.0040
baeandfriend.comEnded with bids$22.004
bcsafe.comEnded with bids$1,075.0032
beautifulmosque.comEnded with bids$5,100.0057
briccopa.comEnded with bids$1,102.0033
chernobyltour.comEnded with bids$256.0046
cheunoodlebar.comEnded with bids$7,301.0058
coinfinex.comEnded with bids$640.0075
crashout.comEnded with bids$812.0047
cre8time.orgEnded with bids$159.0023
cryptodiscover.comEnded with bids$950.0079
dfyo.comEnded with bids$128.0016
drinkingdiaries.comEnded with bids$1,025.0024
escalofrio.comEnded with bids$1,225.0042
everythinglive.comEnded with bids$633.00111
fashionsource.comEnded with bids$3,105.00105
fdyo.comEnded with bids$810.0077
fidonav.comEnded with bids$4,900.00271
financialinsurance.comEnded with bids$5,605.00108
fmadirect.comEnded with bids$449.0023
friendr.comEnded with bids$981.0066
goalsarena.orgEnded with bids$7,500.0099
gossappliance.comEnded with bids$660.0017
greate.comEnded with bids$820.0069
greenyards.comEnded with bids$930.0087
incrediblesale.comEnded with bids$220.0033
interwood.comEnded with bids$3,213.0081
invinciblemilitary.orgEnded with bids$355.0059
jobmeeting.comEnded with bids$525.0039
landoflincolnhealth.orgEnded with bids$2,860.0069
lawsofbusiness.comEnded with bids$185.0038
leathersmith.comEnded with bids$1,926.0085
leejamesfloral.comEnded with bids$2,175.00100
leeward.comEnded with bids$8,200.00130
loveandrisotto.comEnded with bids$1,005.0045
maqentaer.comEnded with bids$1,000.0092
mayurfarms.comEnded with bids$188.0010
medikal.netEnded with bids$710.0067
microstate.comEnded with bids$811.0044
mramseyking.comEnded with bids$47.008
mxhealth.comEnded with bids$885.0033
naturalrxnm.comEnded with bids$810.0020
neuropathy.comEnded with bids$48,000.00206
nftenter.comEnded with bids$380.0069
nicosf.comEnded with bids$1,925.0097
nlipw.comEnded with bids$274.0018
nonslipfloors.comEnded with bids$665.0072
northcoastmedicalacademy.comEnded with bids$935.0062
nvjets.comEnded with bids$255.0037
ondemandprinting.comEnded with bids$1,139.0034
organicbeautytalk.comEnded with bids$2,136.0055
patriotclub.comEnded with bids$1,101.0060
pet-food.comEnded with bids$770.0063
pizzaworksbigpine.comEnded with bids$710.0016
puritec.comEnded with bids$1,025.0078
qulp.comEnded with bids$535.0052
readycart.comEnded with bids$1,402.00101
redesignyourlife.comEnded with bids$894.0087
revs.orgEnded with bids$405.0023
safehavenproducts.comEnded with bids$33.006
salesdaily.comEnded with bids$560.0052
salesday.comEnded with bids$1,630.00108
seterus.comEnded with bids$704.0037
sikhcastes.comEnded with bids$620.0042
srcarena.comEnded with bids$310.0011
ssampsp.orgEnded with bids$105.0021
suddenlyslender.comEnded with bids$507.0057
themesbase.comEnded with bids$455.0027
thepeacockbargrill.comEnded with bids$176.0010
torino2019emg.orgEnded with bids$645.0053
treetop.orgEnded with bids$255.0026
vintagecinemaposters.comEnded with bids$50.009
wallsafe.comEnded with bids$1,300.0030
weimarvet.comEnded with bids$75.007
wizze.comEnded with bids$1,100.0050
xbingo.comEnded with bids$1,180.0075
xpowerpoint.comEnded with bids$570.0060
yelj.comEnded with bids$140.0020
yukpigi.comEnded with bids$160.0026
zoso.comEnded with bids$20,190.00161
Babush.comEnded with bids$648.0081
WeSayNo.comEnded with bids$704.0094
TheCodeAcademy.comEnded with bids$600.0036
HydroMask.comEnded with bids$170.0028
HypeWire.comEnded with bids$210.0014
IrishWhiskey.netEnded with bids$42.007
SafeMoon.usEnded with bids$10.001

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

NP.vc Still undervalued IMO but I’m not buying any so don’t do anything based on my words

At $511 with 2 days left

Excess.gg Sell your excess or try and get some

Available in two days

NonFungible.gg NFT people will like this one

Available in two days

Lab.ag Not sure it works in dot ag but sure love the lab part

Available in three days

JPR.com Great letters and should sell with a reserve under $25K

At $12,500 with 2 days left

QJ.de Get 1000 visits a month as a bonus

At 1,100 EUR with 2 days left

Today.xyz I know this one would sell since the reserve is under $1000 and its already there

At $999 with two days left

Te.ar Surprisingly gets 5000 visits a month

At 510 EUR with 2 days left

NFTSniper.com My favorite on the Sedo list today

At $575 and ending soon

4.finance It’s pretty memorable

At $260 with 5 days left

Brightly.io I say this all the time but I love the word bright for branding

At $139 with a day left

Namejet Names at Auction

WiseVision.com $5,000
InvestIQ.com $2,309
Reruns.com $1,925
YourStrength.com $1,849
LegendaryCars.com $1,374
LandRealEstate.com $1,222
RiverServices.com $1,057
QualityDecor.com $1,055
Iridium.org $975
CareLaw.com $950

Source link

Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF APRIL 25, 2022

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