A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on April 4, 2022.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

00867.comEnded with bids$280.0034
152888.comEnded with bids$470.0044
45129.comEnded with bids$75.0014
74302.comEnded with bids$75.0014
77311.comEnded with bids$431.0064
79337.comEnded with bids$130.0026
7thwavecarwash.comEnded with bids$335.0025
89080.comEnded with bids$145.0018
93910.comEnded with bids$120.0020
AbnooThemes.comEnded with bids$610.0031
altgov2.orgEnded with bids$3,251.0094
AmandaChapmanPhotography.comEnded with bids$30.005
auto-bleue.orgEnded with bids$205.0019
AutoBra.comEnded with bids$902.0059
BabyPost.comEnded with bids$14,350.00131
bbvavivienda.comEnded with bids$910.0096
BlueFind.comEnded with bids$351.0035
Boltikahani.comEnded with bids$173.0026
BoutiqueToYou.comEnded with bids$1,925.0064
BubbleRush.comEnded with bids$800.00115
BuffaloNiagaraBrewersAssociation.orgEnded with bids$125.005
Businessa.comEnded with bids$683.0047
Cabox.comEnded with bids$1,142.0068
CasinoBossCanada.comEnded with bids$102.0019
CDC.netEnded with bids$4,350.0062
ChampionDanceStudio.comEnded with bids$142.0016
CharlestonChronicle.netEnded with bids$8,200.00111
CityShop.coEnded with bids$60.009
CloudTags.comEnded with bids$370.0018
CoinAmp.comEnded with bids$132.0021
Create2Fear.comEnded with bids$75.004
cropseylegend.comEnded with bids$4,850.0048
DanceAmerica.comEnded with bids$719.0078
Delidatax.netEnded with bids$120.009
DevAgo.comEnded with bids$607.0068
dsproperties.comEnded with bids$415.0025
EduExpert.comEnded with bids$1,015.0071
EmpoweredSelf.comEnded with bids$640.0016
FHCLife.orgEnded with bids$225.0018
FireflyFineWineSandAles.comEnded with bids$405.0014
friv5000.comEnded with bids$58.0011
GarlandcountySheriff.comEnded with bids$5,100.0075
GetPapier.comEnded with bids$185.0010
GoldenPandaBuffet.comEnded with bids$1,591.0075
GreenBio.comEnded with bids$3,960.0045
GTAElite.comEnded with bids$102.0025
h8vzwpv.comEnded with bids$76.006
HammondWholesale.comEnded with bids$288.0055
HomeHeArtcraft.comEnded with bids$4,625.0061
huvafenfushimaldives.orgEnded with bids$62.0012
i-leadcharter.orgEnded with bids$215.0014
IndianMoundsResort.comEnded with bids$99.0012
Inverge.comEnded with bids$2,850.00114
iPhotoBuddy.comEnded with bids$30.005
JCHK.comEnded with bids$453.0052
kojaksfinefoods.comEnded with bids$96.0016
Kruinter.comEnded with bids$344.0026
lasarepasdejulia.comEnded with bids$96.0010
Leoj.comEnded with bids$1,100.0052
LittleHarbor.comEnded with bids$1,977.0089
LotNo3.comEnded with bids$145.0013
LoveWild.comEnded with bids$664.0070
mainperformancepc.comEnded with bids$285.0037
MainStreetOpen.comEnded with bids$510.0012
maoyun.tvEnded with bids$60.005
MemoApp.comEnded with bids$1,400.0061
MojoWeb.comEnded with bids$625.00108
MontgomeryFair.orgEnded with bids$68.0011
ncea.tvEnded with bids$720.0046
ncsuksa.orgEnded with bids$108.0011
NiceHolidays.comEnded with bids$495.0069
OfferOfTheDay.comEnded with bids$967.00105
OnlineGen.comEnded with bids$400.0047
OrganicPrepPer.comEnded with bids$360.0048
originalninospizza.comEnded with bids$721.0033
PainsProject.orgEnded with bids$355.0034
PastaStraws.comEnded with bids$776.0014
PelicanEyesResort.comEnded with bids$912.0041
PickupTech.comEnded with bids$410.0061
PlumbingProfessional.comEnded with bids$547.0020
PurpleFish.comEnded with bids$5,700.00123
PurpleMan.comEnded with bids$1,075.00102
PWSJ.comEnded with bids$256.0035
Room5.comEnded with bids$642.0036
RoseThorn.comEnded with bids$1,650.0020
rsudkotabogor.orgEnded with bids$500.0011
RunEvents.comEnded with bids$852.0060
SavedByTheMax.comEnded with bids$511.0026
SeeYourProgress.comEnded with bids$278.0038
SoftcoreMovies.orgEnded with bids$77.007
sorensensresort.comEnded with bids$760.0020
SpectrumMobil.comEnded with bids$8,702.00216
StjohnSurgentFamilyCare.comEnded with bids$185.007
TheBullTerrierClub.orgEnded with bids$3,650.0045
TheCommonsCafe.comEnded with bids$3,100.0061
TowardHealth.comEnded with bids$466.0091
VanderburghSheriff.comEnded with bids$12,000.00101
VintageFlyTackle.comEnded with bids$2,581.0038
Vistaico.comEnded with bids$445.0024
Ward3.comEnded with bids$5,101.0051
wchollywood.orgEnded with bids$95.0015
WorkRunner.comEnded with bids$709.0089
Wossweb.comEnded with bids$355.0010
Xradia.comEnded with bids$568.0024
Yadak.comEnded with bids$1,827.0039
YourCubaCruise.comEnded with bids$755.00104
ZachHartAgency.comEnded with bids$640.0089
ZenTalk.comEnded with bids$810.0038
Gradac.comEnded with bids$565.00101
GenHemp.comEnded with bids$805.0074
PharmaTherapy.comEnded with bids$117.0022
DronePilot.orgEnded with bids$60.008
LawnKings.comEnded with bids$810.0035
KeywordTrends.comEnded with bids$495.0085
TheGrapevine.orgEnded with bids$52.009

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

LowRates.io Lead gen all the way

At $369 with a day left

Girlfriend.io Girlfriends are expensive . This one is up $1K to 5K since my last post

At $6,025 and ending soon

Market.io Not sure what the record for biggest name at auction but we might be close here

At $22,750 with over a week left

NetGambling.io Worth taking a look at for under $150

At $149 with 4 days left

KWZA.com Under $100. Floor is lower but not that low

At 99 EUR with 4 days left

Namejet Names at Auction

NextSystems.com $4,299
altmusic.com $1,399
krian.com $1,372
inluxe.com $1,359
StatWing.com $1,350
waben.com $1,251
LawMarket.com $1,108
DrawingSchool.com $832
owx.net $426
CashPartner.com $350


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Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF APRIL 4, 2022

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