A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on October 20, 2021.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

46386.comEnded with bids$125.0024
55an.comEnded with bids$75.0014
64737.comEnded with bids$151.0030
929TheBullRocks.comEnded with bids$400.0021
ActionBuilders.comEnded with bids$675.00114
AddictedToVeggies.comEnded with bids$2,012.0016
Apriorico.comEnded with bids$360.008
AquaBags.comEnded with bids$466.0022
ArcticHorizons.orgEnded with bids$65.005
AuctionEscrow.comEnded with bids$580.00106
AutoMatron.comEnded with bids$788.0066
Babeetalk.comEnded with bids$278.0021
BaltimoreBlack.comEnded with bids$105.0013
BarReefResort.comEnded with bids$655.0022
BlackBarkBBQ.comEnded with bids$480.0021
BoneBrothDiet.comEnded with bids$65.0014
BuyCBD.coEnded with bids$278.0055
CakewalkOnline.comEnded with bids$32.006
CanaIsGlobo.comEnded with bids$95.0019
CheapGirl.comEnded with bids$610.0023
ChooseMyLens.comEnded with bids$227.0019
Citizen-Citizen.comEnded with bids$279.0012
ConceptSeekers.comEnded with bids$150.0019
ConfluentTechnologies.comEnded with bids$288.0013
ContesDefAits.comEnded with bids$320.0010
ContinentalHealth.comEnded with bids$1,207.00102
DakotaOutfittersLLC.comEnded with bids$85.0013
DemoDo.comEnded with bids$309.0063
DesPros.comEnded with bids$62.0012
DirtyBabe.comEnded with bids$234.0023
Drinn.comEnded with bids$900.0038
dWeb.orgEnded with bids$2,469.0028
Essay4Me.orgEnded with bids$415.0046
EurovisionOnTop.comEnded with bids$105.0015
Fengwu.comEnded with bids$2,504.0078
FileOops.comEnded with bids$347.0061
FindYourCarHere.comEnded with bids$350.0023
FishingFlyBox.comEnded with bids$220.0020
FlashTats.comEnded with bids$25.004
FoodAllergyExperience.comEnded with bids$107.0021
GetOutHereHouston.orgEnded with bids$355.0025
GHole.comEnded with bids$325.0057
GlamDiva.comEnded with bids$556.0054
GoodHelpers.comEnded with bids$254.0017
GoodThingsWeddingFavors.comEnded with bids$162.0013
GoSeamless.comEnded with bids$450.0056
GretchenBleiler.comEnded with bids$1,335.0088
Hiyewu.comEnded with bids$88.0017
Horspistestokyo.comEnded with bids$115.0011
HowToPlaza.comEnded with bids$40.008
HR22.comEnded with bids$696.0048
jchristinaphotography.comEnded with bids$365.0011
JorgensenFineArt.comEnded with bids$315.0033
Kelari.comEnded with bids$1,516.0043
Kitabklubu.orgEnded with bids$65.009
LockStones.comEnded with bids$110.0016
LouderWithCrowderShop.comEnded with bids$670.0081
LoveLoad.comEnded with bids$393.0055
LPSource.comEnded with bids$203.0034
MavenX.comEnded with bids$358.0057
MaxiGolf.comEnded with bids$386.0031
MetroChicagoExports.comEnded with bids$155.0028
Mexique.comEnded with bids$3,500.0069
Mfditanzania.comEnded with bids$75.0014
MilitaryAvenue.comEnded with bids$3,550.0087
MiniMadness.comEnded with bids$991.0092
MitchellPreOwned.comEnded with bids$135.0021
MomsWorld.comEnded with bids$1,153.0047
njhqjx.comEnded with bids$20.003
NoCredit.orgEnded with bids$1,325.0037
NorthstarBicycleFestival.comEnded with bids$192.006
NotoSolutions.comEnded with bids$195.0019
OilMuseum.netEnded with bids$435.0021
OnConnect.comEnded with bids$2,536.0065
PeachMate.comEnded with bids$259.0017
Political.orgEnded with bids$27,305.00222
PrivateCop.comEnded with bids$90.009
QuinNova.comEnded with bids$840.0021
RebuildPro.comEnded with bids$106.0010
RecipesList.comEnded with bids$60.007
ReciPlease.comEnded with bids$467.0075
RecycledDisplays.comEnded with bids$32.006
RedPlainsPlumbing.comEnded with bids$260.0022
RedskinsRally.comEnded with bids$184.0019
RemedyMedical.comEnded with bids$818.0052
SelectMedicine.comEnded with bids$343.0040
SereneVistas.comEnded with bids$430.0071
shishi10.comEnded with bids$29.005
SmallCropFarming.comEnded with bids$32.005
SociologyDegreePrograms.orgEnded with bids$150.0021
SoFancyBlog.comEnded with bids$165.0025
SpiritOfAppalachia.orgEnded with bids$25.003
SpyeArt.comEnded with bids$155.0016
SunSpark.comEnded with bids$2,128.00105
Tecnviral.comEnded with bids$145.0026
ThePropertyHub.comEnded with bids$1,084.0084
TheWeddingPrinter.comEnded with bids$55.005
TopAlbumStore.comEnded with bids$205.0041
TopSkinChanger.comEnded with bids$303.0035
TristanTimes.comEnded with bids$810.0037
TrueOne.comEnded with bids$6,700.00106
Twizzles.netEnded with bids$155.0011
UsProfessorsOfTheYear.orgEnded with bids$4,008.0016
VZKN.comEnded with bids$160.0019
WanderTrails.comEnded with bids$5,450.0035
ys188.comEnded with bids$192.0038
YummyPlaceDuluth.comEnded with bids$725.0077
Vast.infoEnded with bids$12.001
IonWorld.comEnded with bids$505.0051
LeafHeat.comEnded with bids$325.0027
RemoteLight.comEnded with bids$594.0015
BitReader.comEnded with bids$235.0012
BioInspection.comEnded with bids$173.0012
Raxxu.comEnded with bids$32.005

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

Whale.gg Funny how the term Whale came into so much prominence this year


Aviso.vc Taken since 2015 which is ancient for a dot vc

Available in 4 days

GameTech.io Exactly the type of name that is built out on dot io

At $116 with a week left

Internships.io Not normally the kind of name on a dot io. Keyword is worth a look though

At $155 with a week left

Enticed.com With a reserve under $5K it is a little enticing

At 1,200 EUR with 2 hours left

Distinctly.com Exudes standing out from the crowd

At 200 EUR with 2 hours left

XMeta.co Catched catches another meta name

At $189 with a day left

Block.pro Blockchain pro

At $115 with 5 hours left

5G.co Picked up a few more bidders. Get in on that fast 5G

At $2,251 with 2 hours left

XVP.com Most of the big priced names are going to struggle making reserve but this one has a chance

At $25,000 with 2 hours left

Dobam.com 18 years old. No bids at $79

No bids with a day left

Namejet Names at Auction

SocialResearch.com $6,000
prium.com $5,850
Bailer.com $3,900
MintShop.com $1,816
TransportIntelligent.com $750
lree.com $638
lidertv.com $628
AirImage.com $595
ShaveMan.com $569
berkwood.com $505

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Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF OCTOBER 20, 2021

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