A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on October 21, 2021.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

19av.comEnded with bids$4,150.00238
65514.comEnded with bids$150.0022
66598.comEnded with bids$264.0028
6bukou.comEnded with bids$25.005
82779.comEnded with bids$285.0052
99241.comEnded with bids$95.0014
AtinakingPhotography.comEnded with bids$32.006
AtlantaGeorgiaRoofing.comEnded with bids$47.009
augiesSportsGrill.comEnded with bids$690.0034
AutoclaveBags.comEnded with bids$165.008
BagGirls.comEnded with bids$300.0054
BoxNovel.netEnded with bids$315.0020
CafeHollywood.comEnded with bids$1,301.0049
CalmBeauty.comEnded with bids$1,302.0088
cdqtwh.comEnded with bids$33.006
Chedncr.comEnded with bids$725.0088
Citizendia.orgEnded with bids$400.0017
ClothingSpecialists.comEnded with bids$106.007
CromLeach.comEnded with bids$202.0039
DeckerAppliance.comEnded with bids$85.0017
Digike.comEnded with bids$105.0016
DioceseOfMangalore.orgEnded with bids$175.0010
Ejpes.orgEnded with bids$105.004
Epicly.comEnded with bids$6,766.00114
FitnessConsultant.comEnded with bids$1,502.00120
foodwize.comEnded with bids$1,313.0049
FreeStuffCenter.comEnded with bids$810.0018
GeorgetownPlaceApartments.comEnded with bids$425.0075
GoToCSB.comEnded with bids$60.006
Gsnssy.comEnded with bids$33.006
HelpErinChina.comEnded with bids$20.004
hg833.comEnded with bids$595.0081
HobokenInternationalFilmFestival.comEnded with bids$610.0015
HomeStagingFactory.comEnded with bids$205.0018
IntegratedTrainingSummit.orgEnded with bids$46.008
Jahelotto.netEnded with bids$65.0012
Junkaopeiyou.comEnded with bids$20.003
Karsoo.comEnded with bids$200.0027
LABoss.comEnded with bids$1,375.0040
LBInspiredSalon.comEnded with bids$95.0016
MacQuillsSoftware.comEnded with bids$105.0010
MMaiguo.comEnded with bids$29.005
ModeLapp.comEnded with bids$666.0078
Mutra.comEnded with bids$860.0034
MyCastro.comEnded with bids$806.0058
MyJunkMail.comEnded with bids$602.00110
nevsehir.netEnded with bids$305.0053
NightSense.comEnded with bids$251.0037
NWICars.comEnded with bids$137.0015
OlharAnimal.netEnded with bids$70.0013
OnceUponACancer.comEnded with bids$305.0020
OnlineDesignerDirectory.comEnded with bids$210.0015
Oujingjh.comEnded with bids$25.005
PeopleGroupsIndia.comEnded with bids$492.0082
PeopleGroupsIndia.orgEnded with bids$55.008
PersonalGain.comEnded with bids$492.0026
pes-serbia.comEnded with bids$544.0091
ProfitRealEstate.comEnded with bids$1,108.0025
PuraBeanCoffee.comEnded with bids$205.0011
QMON.comEnded with bids$565.0049
ReleaseDay.comEnded with bids$532.0031
RojoMexicanBistro.comEnded with bids$140.008
RoseMarieMovie.comEnded with bids$425.0023
SacredSexuality.comEnded with bids$892.0088
SagaMe666.coEnded with bids$310.007
Saudinf.comEnded with bids$16,750.00245
ScrutinyPortal.comEnded with bids$205.005
Search4Rental.comEnded with bids$30.006
SexyData.comEnded with bids$202.0040
ssg-surfer.comEnded with bids$150.008
Steamers.orgEnded with bids$255.009
Study.infoEnded with bids$1,600.0081
TechBird.comEnded with bids$3,050.0071
TheHungryCoder.comEnded with bids$197.0027
theMasonjarcafefl.comEnded with bids$195.0019
TheMonsterCycle.comEnded with bids$1,475.0030
TicNet.comEnded with bids$1,125.0063
TugouWuliu.comEnded with bids$31.006
Vendo.orgEnded with bids$295.0013
WAFarmToSchool.orgEnded with bids$536.0040
wee-r-yorkies.comEnded with bids$37.006
WeFindYouGo.comEnded with bids$313.0026
WildwoodsMaine.comEnded with bids$299.0010
XYGR.comEnded with bids$260.0032
Zgwjt.comEnded with bids$31.005
Tele360.comEnded with bids$480.0025
GetUpGetOut.comEnded with bids$502.0036
ChicagoWeddingPlanner.comEnded with bids$502.009
CBDPrices.comEnded with bids$332.0033
Shebrews.comEnded with bids$742.0039
Remep.comEnded with bids$453.0089
PleaseHireMe.comEnded with bids$502.0074
DigiPay.coEnded with bids$93.0011
Squeeler.comEnded with bids$30.005

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

Buzzed.io Maybe I can get a decent bee and honey name for a decent price. Probably not


GameTech.io Exactly the type of name that is built out on dot io 

At $116 with a week left

Internships.io Not normally the kind of name on a dot io. Keyword is worth a look though

At $206 with a week left

Namejet Names at Auction

SEOHero.com $3,303
FirstResort.com $2,450
GiftService.com $1,688
RubberMolding.com $1,100
speick.com $983
Relocation.org $852
remolino.com $792
mmpower.com $788
FitMobile.com $700
SharpEdgeBeer.com $675


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Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF OCTOBER 21, 2021

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