A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on October 24, 2021.
If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve. I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.
GoDaddy Names at Auction
Domain | Status | Price | Bids |
119cdw.com | Ended with bids | $25.00 | 5 |
1800Cannabis.com | Ended with bids | $1,850.00 | 78 |
24163.com | Ended with bids | $155.00 | 21 |
25226.com | Ended with bids | $240.00 | 44 |
53980.com | Ended with bids | $140.00 | 18 |
800Cannabis.com | Ended with bids | $1,525.00 | 67 |
88927.com | Ended with bids | $795.00 | 65 |
99zl.com | Ended with bids | $215.00 | 43 |
ABCounselingInc.com | Ended with bids | $130.00 | 17 |
AdTrgt.com | Ended with bids | $37.00 | 6 |
Aerothusiast.com | Ended with bids | $30.00 | 5 |
AlfredCeramics.com | Ended with bids | $2,012.00 | 29 |
AllForWoman.co | Ended with bids | $85.00 | 7 |
AtHickGirlsCloset.com | Ended with bids | $256.00 | 32 |
Averyco.com | Ended with bids | $215.00 | 40 |
Avmazzega.com | Ended with bids | $100.00 | 16 |
BaseballOutlaws.com | Ended with bids | $80.00 | 10 |
Bifanhua.com | Ended with bids | $40.00 | 8 |
BitVestor.com | Ended with bids | $738.00 | 30 |
bjpqsw.com | Ended with bids | $25.00 | 5 |
BlackforestHaunt.com | Ended with bids | $495.00 | 58 |
BreakfastCentral.com | Ended with bids | $104.00 | 20 |
BritainOnline.com | Ended with bids | $345.00 | 26 |
BuildMyHouse.com | Ended with bids | $2,049.00 | 123 |
BurnResource.com | Ended with bids | $175.00 | 33 |
CallaghanRoadAnimalHospital.com | Ended with bids | $460.00 | 57 |
CedarhillsVineyard.com | Ended with bids | $32.00 | 5 |
Chuuti.com | Ended with bids | $40.00 | 8 |
ClayToNeshLeman.com | Ended with bids | $335.00 | 14 |
ClubStoned.com | Ended with bids | $320.00 | 54 |
CoBrewingSystems.com | Ended with bids | $165.00 | 28 |
CoffeeForMom.com | Ended with bids | $70.00 | 13 |
CopterCam.com | Ended with bids | $1,600.00 | 145 |
cxxfpt.com | Ended with bids | $33.00 | 6 |
DegreeCritical.com | Ended with bids | $166.00 | 5 |
DeviceFarm.com | Ended with bids | $521.00 | 29 |
Dibcom.com | Ended with bids | $92.00 | 11 |
DNA-vc.com | Ended with bids | $17.00 | 3 |
Donita.com | Ended with bids | $1,009.00 | 72 |
Doualia.com | Ended with bids | $327.00 | 32 |
Download-Genius.com | Ended with bids | $389.00 | 39 |
EmeraldCut.com | Ended with bids | $811.00 | 49 |
Evca.com | Ended with bids | $6,700.00 | 89 |
FcPages.com | Ended with bids | $499.00 | 25 |
Foldr.com | Ended with bids | $4,139.00 | 112 |
FoodSave.org | Ended with bids | $405.00 | 30 |
Forexwiki.com | Ended with bids | $710.00 | 92 |
FreeUMoney.com | Ended with bids | $160.00 | 28 |
GetMoneyOut.com | Ended with bids | $1,766.00 | 75 |
GoldenHouseWatervliet.com | Ended with bids | $380.00 | 11 |
HardCandyFitness.com | Ended with bids | $1,058.00 | 20 |
Heuroco.com | Ended with bids | $38.00 | 7 |
Ice9Tattoo.com | Ended with bids | $260.00 | 34 |
iea-annex61.org | Ended with bids | $60.00 | 6 |
ILoveWildfox.com | Ended with bids | $610.00 | 20 |
Interviewing.org | Ended with bids | $361.00 | 29 |
Kale.net | Ended with bids | $6,107.00 | 112 |
LocalOnLiner.com | Ended with bids | $4,300.00 | 40 |
LPages.com | Ended with bids | $997.00 | 62 |
lvyikang.com | Ended with bids | $130.00 | 24 |
Mainemcn.org | Ended with bids | $150.00 | 22 |
MakerCities.net | Ended with bids | $466.00 | 11 |
mbpti.org | Ended with bids | $6,050.00 | 110 |
MetaCandle.com | Ended with bids | $137.00 | 17 |
MilacaAllianceChurch.org | Ended with bids | $40.00 | 7 |
Monmondo.com | Ended with bids | $155.00 | 8 |
Nonch.com | Ended with bids | $494.00 | 27 |
NQYI.com | Ended with bids | $165.00 | 19 |
NutRimIlk.com | Ended with bids | $1,527.00 | 71 |
Original-Tune.com | Ended with bids | $250.00 | 28 |
Osmosis.co | Ended with bids | $697.00 | 24 |
PalExpress.com | Ended with bids | $528.00 | 34 |
PlayerID.com | Ended with bids | $1,255.00 | 106 |
PointNutrition.com | Ended with bids | $454.00 | 87 |
pozdravlenia.biz | Ended with bids | $95.00 | 10 |
Prinzo.com | Ended with bids | $565.00 | 29 |
RevHomes.com | Ended with bids | $249.00 | 15 |
Revig.com | Ended with bids | $660.00 | 14 |
RiponCathedral.info | Ended with bids | $350.00 | 26 |
Rynki.com | Ended with bids | $457.00 | 59 |
Rywmw.com | Ended with bids | $155.00 | 29 |
ScotchplainsFamilyChiropractic.com | Ended with bids | $65.00 | 9 |
ScotlandTravel.com | Ended with bids | $1,650.00 | 120 |
SeafoodBros.com | Ended with bids | $285.00 | 7 |
ShineWithPurpose.com | Ended with bids | $27.00 | 4 |
SperrinsTourism.com | Ended with bids | $225.00 | 13 |
SpineFlex.com | Ended with bids | $699.00 | 85 |
StarThaiAndSushi.com | Ended with bids | $1,075.00 | 21 |
stmarylestrand.org | Ended with bids | $200.00 | 9 |
SWalwellforcongress.com | Ended with bids | $355.00 | 25 |
TaxTrust.com | Ended with bids | $1,236.00 | 90 |
Texal.com | Ended with bids | $905.00 | 53 |
ThaiElephantCareCenter.com | Ended with bids | $75.00 | 5 |
theaie.us | Ended with bids | $165.00 | 8 |
ThinkBinary.com | Ended with bids | $336.00 | 55 |
Thongtinsao.com | Ended with bids | $334.00 | 16 |
TimberLeafSoilTesting.com | Ended with bids | $55.00 | 5 |
TimothyEgan.com | Ended with bids | $200.00 | 33 |
TokenExchanger.com | Ended with bids | $308.00 | 24 |
TradingNFTS.com | Ended with bids | $1,111.00 | 70 |
TravelOwners.com | Ended with bids | $184.00 | 13 |
TrekkyRecords.com | Ended with bids | $550.00 | 41 |
uadaily.net | Ended with bids | $42.00 | 8 |
WharFrat.org | Ended with bids | $165.00 | 13 |
Wujie2015.com | Ended with bids | $20.00 | 3 |
XECapital.com | Ended with bids | $685.00 | 30 |
xjymlt.com | Ended with bids | $25.00 | 5 |
Yitwl.com | Ended with bids | $40.00 | 8 |
RLaunch.com | Active | $150.00 * | 0 |
Solitaire.tv | Ended with bids | $100.00 | 16 |
TheSown.com | Ended with bids | $12.00 | 1 |
Watit.com | Ended with bids | $168.00 | 30 |
BeachSherpa.com | Ended with bids | $408.00 | 30 |
Loopl.com | Ended with bids | $355.00 | 26 |
DecipherAnalytics.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
FreeTheMarket.com | Ended with bids | $36.00 | 6 |
CupOfEarth.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
StreetGen.com | Closeouts | $50.00 | 0 |
Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.
Other Names at Auction
Paychain.io Finmo is the future
Artichoke.io Vegetables has traditionally made good brands
NFTCreators.com This one is going to fly
At $3,125 with a day left
Ribby.com Memorable and short. Like Spud Webb
At $393 with a week left
Note.gg The kind of dot gg I like to add to my portfolio
At $104 with over a week left
MetaBoy.com Getting the love that I thought it would
At 420 EUR with a day left
MetaOnline.com I think the $3000 bid won’t get it done
At 3,000 EUR with 2 days left
MetaRefinancing.com This opening bid on the other hand might
At $500 with 5 days left
Namejet Names at Auction
armet.com $4,999
UpliftProgram.com $2,531
erhard.com $1,988
Drinking-Water.org $1,100
DragonsNest.com $963
GrandPalm.com $643
TheBuds.com $596
TechBoutique.com $558
HitTheLights.com $386
mlhm.com $375
Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF OCTOBER 24, 2021
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