A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on October 24, 2021.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

119cdw.comEnded with bids$25.005
1800Cannabis.comEnded with bids$1,850.0078
24163.comEnded with bids$155.0021
25226.comEnded with bids$240.0044
53980.comEnded with bids$140.0018
800Cannabis.comEnded with bids$1,525.0067
88927.comEnded with bids$795.0065
99zl.comEnded with bids$215.0043
ABCounselingInc.comEnded with bids$130.0017
AdTrgt.comEnded with bids$37.006
Aerothusiast.comEnded with bids$30.005
AlfredCeramics.comEnded with bids$2,012.0029
AllForWoman.coEnded with bids$85.007
AtHickGirlsCloset.comEnded with bids$256.0032
Averyco.comEnded with bids$215.0040
Avmazzega.comEnded with bids$100.0016
BaseballOutlaws.comEnded with bids$80.0010
Bifanhua.comEnded with bids$40.008
BitVestor.comEnded with bids$738.0030
bjpqsw.comEnded with bids$25.005
BlackforestHaunt.comEnded with bids$495.0058
BreakfastCentral.comEnded with bids$104.0020
BritainOnline.comEnded with bids$345.0026
BuildMyHouse.comEnded with bids$2,049.00123
BurnResource.comEnded with bids$175.0033
CallaghanRoadAnimalHospital.comEnded with bids$460.0057
CedarhillsVineyard.comEnded with bids$32.005
Chuuti.comEnded with bids$40.008
ClayToNeshLeman.comEnded with bids$335.0014
ClubStoned.comEnded with bids$320.0054
CoBrewingSystems.comEnded with bids$165.0028
CoffeeForMom.comEnded with bids$70.0013
CopterCam.comEnded with bids$1,600.00145
cxxfpt.comEnded with bids$33.006
DegreeCritical.comEnded with bids$166.005
DeviceFarm.comEnded with bids$521.0029
Dibcom.comEnded with bids$92.0011
DNA-vc.comEnded with bids$17.003
Donita.comEnded with bids$1,009.0072
Doualia.comEnded with bids$327.0032
Download-Genius.comEnded with bids$389.0039
EmeraldCut.comEnded with bids$811.0049
Evca.comEnded with bids$6,700.0089
FcPages.comEnded with bids$499.0025
Foldr.comEnded with bids$4,139.00112
FoodSave.orgEnded with bids$405.0030
Forexwiki.comEnded with bids$710.0092
FreeUMoney.comEnded with bids$160.0028
GetMoneyOut.comEnded with bids$1,766.0075
GoldenHouseWatervliet.comEnded with bids$380.0011
HardCandyFitness.comEnded with bids$1,058.0020
Heuroco.comEnded with bids$38.007
Ice9Tattoo.comEnded with bids$260.0034
iea-annex61.orgEnded with bids$60.006
ILoveWildfox.comEnded with bids$610.0020
Interviewing.orgEnded with bids$361.0029
Kale.netEnded with bids$6,107.00112
LocalOnLiner.comEnded with bids$4,300.0040
LPages.comEnded with bids$997.0062
lvyikang.comEnded with bids$130.0024
Mainemcn.orgEnded with bids$150.0022
MakerCities.netEnded with bids$466.0011
mbpti.orgEnded with bids$6,050.00110
MetaCandle.comEnded with bids$137.0017
MilacaAllianceChurch.orgEnded with bids$40.007
Monmondo.comEnded with bids$155.008
Nonch.comEnded with bids$494.0027
NQYI.comEnded with bids$165.0019
NutRimIlk.comEnded with bids$1,527.0071
Original-Tune.comEnded with bids$250.0028
Osmosis.coEnded with bids$697.0024
PalExpress.comEnded with bids$528.0034
PlayerID.comEnded with bids$1,255.00106
PointNutrition.comEnded with bids$454.0087
pozdravlenia.bizEnded with bids$95.0010
Prinzo.comEnded with bids$565.0029
RevHomes.comEnded with bids$249.0015
Revig.comEnded with bids$660.0014
RiponCathedral.infoEnded with bids$350.0026
Rynki.comEnded with bids$457.0059
Rywmw.comEnded with bids$155.0029
ScotchplainsFamilyChiropractic.comEnded with bids$65.009
ScotlandTravel.comEnded with bids$1,650.00120
SeafoodBros.comEnded with bids$285.007
ShineWithPurpose.comEnded with bids$27.004
SperrinsTourism.comEnded with bids$225.0013
SpineFlex.comEnded with bids$699.0085
StarThaiAndSushi.comEnded with bids$1,075.0021
stmarylestrand.orgEnded with bids$200.009
SWalwellforcongress.comEnded with bids$355.0025
TaxTrust.comEnded with bids$1,236.0090
Texal.comEnded with bids$905.0053
ThaiElephantCareCenter.comEnded with bids$75.005
theaie.usEnded with bids$165.008
ThinkBinary.comEnded with bids$336.0055
Thongtinsao.comEnded with bids$334.0016
TimberLeafSoilTesting.comEnded with bids$55.005
TimothyEgan.comEnded with bids$200.0033
TokenExchanger.comEnded with bids$308.0024
TradingNFTS.comEnded with bids$1,111.0070
TravelOwners.comEnded with bids$184.0013
TrekkyRecords.comEnded with bids$550.0041
uadaily.netEnded with bids$42.008
WharFrat.orgEnded with bids$165.0013
Wujie2015.comEnded with bids$20.003
XECapital.comEnded with bids$685.0030
xjymlt.comEnded with bids$25.005
Yitwl.comEnded with bids$40.008
RLaunch.comActive$150.00 *0
Solitaire.tvEnded with bids$100.0016
TheSown.comEnded with bids$12.001
Watit.comEnded with bids$168.0030
BeachSherpa.comEnded with bids$408.0030
Loopl.comEnded with bids$355.0026
FreeTheMarket.comEnded with bids$36.006

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

Paychain.io Finmo is the future


Artichoke.io Vegetables has traditionally made good brands


NFTCreators.com This one is going to fly

At $3,125 with a day left

Ribby.com Memorable and short. Like Spud Webb

At $393 with a week left

Note.gg The kind of dot gg I like to add to my portfolio

At $104 with over a week left

MetaBoy.com Getting the love that I thought it would

At 420 EUR with a day left

MetaOnline.com I think the $3000 bid won’t get it done

At 3,000 EUR with 2 days left

MetaRefinancing.com This opening bid on the other hand might

At $500 with 5 days left

Namejet Names at Auction

armet.com $4,999
UpliftProgram.com $2,531
erhard.com $1,988
Drinking-Water.org $1,100
DragonsNest.com $963
GrandPalm.com $643
TheBuds.com $596
TechBoutique.com $558
HitTheLights.com $386
mlhm.com $375

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Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF OCTOBER 24, 2021

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