These are the fastest growing and largest domain name registrars for .com domains.
ICANN has published the latest official data from Verisign (NASDAQ: VRSN) about the .com namespace. This registrar-by-registrar report covers July 2021.
When GoDaddy reported its second-quarter earnings in early August, it warned
Here’s how registrars did in terms of new .com registrations in July:
1. GoDaddy.com* (NYSE: GDDY) 800,025 (849,403 in June)
2. Namecheap Inc. 281,678 (274,622)
3. Alibaba (HiChina) 251,367 (231,579)
4. CentralNic 196,900
5. Newfold Digital+ 169,899 (170,333)
6. Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOGL) 150,950 (147,625)
7. Dynadot 146,099 (137,592)
8. Tucows** (NASDAQ:TCX) 141,155 (144,844)
9. TurnCommerce++ 107,324 (106,905)
10. NameSilo 96,498 (120,091)
Here’s the leaderboard of the top registrars in terms of total .com registrations under management as of the end of July.
1. GoDaddy* 56,392,325 (56,408,172 in June)
2. Newfold Digital+ 14,323,837 (14,448,421)
3. Tucows** 12,674,762 (12,791,539)
4. Namecheap 7,931,446 (7,850,961)
5. Alibaba 6,473,878 (6,401,500)
6. IONOS^ 5,911,071 (5,916,540)
7. TurnCommerce++ 5,076,114 (4,979,182)
8. Google 4,666,584 (4,603,301)
9. CentralNic^^ 3,598,295 (3,406,068)
10. NameSilo 2,378,593 (2,334,531)
Many domain companies have multiple accreditations and I’ve tried to capture the largest ones. See the notes below.
* Includes GoDaddy, Wild West Domains, Uniregistry, GoDaddy Corporate Domains and 123 Reg
** Includes Tucows, Enom, Ascio and EPAG
+ Includes PDR, Domain.com, FastDomain, Bigrock, Network Solutions, Register.com, SnapNames registrars, and Crazy Domains/Dreamscape. There are other Newfold registrars, but these are the biggest.
++ Includes NameBright and DropCatch registrars
^ Includes 1&1, PSI, Cronon, United-Domains, Arsys and world4you
^^ Includes Key-Systems, 1API, Internet.bs, TLD Registrar Solutions, RegistryGate, Moniker, Instra
Post link: .Com rankings: GoDaddy, Namecheap and Alibaba
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Original article: .Com rankings: GoDaddy, Namecheap and Alibaba
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