How the second largest retail registrar handles abuse.

Picture of Namecheap COO Hillan Klein with the words "How Namecheap tackles abuse"

Last month, I spoke with Tucows CEO Elliot Noss about DNS abuse in episode 359. Today, Namecheap COO Hillan Klein comes on the show to talk about his company’s approach to the challenge. Klein shocked me by saying that Namecheap employs over

120 people to tackle abuse. He explains the company’s philosophy about privacy as it relates to alleged abuse, and what Namecheap has done to clean up problems that manifested last year when the pandemic upended its previous abuse management process. You’ll also learn about at least one clever approach the ‘bad guys’ take to slow down enforcement.

Also: Meta, Versign earnings, UDRPs, and a stolen domain lawsuit is dismissed

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Original article: How Namecheap tackles abuse – DNW Podcast #361

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