I got a chuckle reading a UDRP the International Olympic Committee (IOC) just won.
The IOC filed a cybersquatting claim against the typo domain olypmics .com. The domain owner didn’t respond and it was a straightforward case for the World Intellectual Property Organization panelist.
What made me laugh was the respondent’s identity. Usually, you’ll see a few details about the registrant, such as their company name or full name, followed by a specific location. But this UDRP merely states:
Respondent is Mike, Canada.
Ah yes, Mike from Canada. I know him well.
The IOC is a prolific UDRP filer and is generally successful with its cases. Recently, it won an important case for a 55-character domain with nine hyphens.
It doesn’t always win, though.
Post link: International Olympic Committee wins Olympics typo from “Mike”
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Original article: International Olympic Committee wins Olympics typo from “Mike”
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