It might be time for Alibaba to buy a shorter domain.

Alibaba logo shows in orange text

Going short seems to be a trend in China. Just look at internet giant Alibaba. The name is well-known, easy to remember, and short at 7 characters only. Still, Chinese consumers think it is too long.

Why? The name is 4-pin (A Li Ba Ba=阿里巴巴) but Chinese consumers love 2-pin names as explained in What’s 2-pin and why does it matter for domain investing?. So, it is nicknamed “Ali” (A Li=阿里), which is frequently found in Chinese news.

The company might have been inspired by the 2-pin nickname because now we see the use of “Ali” in many of Alibaba’s sub-brands. Some examples are listed below.

Sub-brandDomainBusiness line
AliPayAliPay.comMobile payment
AliExpressAliExpress.comOnline shopping
AliYunAliYun.comCloud services
AliHealthAliHealth.comMedical supplies
AliSportsAliSports.comSports news
AliTripAliTrip.comTravel services
AliMamaAliMama.comDigital marketing
AliGenieAliGenie.comVoice assistant on ioT
AliTelecomAliTelecom.comTelco services
AliMusic(not found)Music
AliMail(not found)Email services

Is it time for Alibaba to follow its sub-brands and acquire to complement

Authentic Brands Group, LLC owns the domain. For many years, was the official website of Muhammad Ali. After Ali passed away in 2016, the domain forwarded to or Currently, the domain sends you to Muhammad Ali’s account on Instagram. So, there may be a chance for Alibaba to acquire

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Original article: Is it time for Alibaba to acquire

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