Lerins.com: NameFind scores Reverse Domain Hijacking decision

The UDRP against the domain Lerins.com ended up with the Respondent, NameFind, scoring a finding of Reverse Domain Name Hijacking.

The Respondent highlights that the disputed domain name was first registered on March 15, 1999, and has been renewed by a number of successors without incident since that time. The Respondent further contends that it acquired the disputed domain name on December 18, 2020, for its intrinsic value, as the word “Lerins” also corresponds to a French or Scottish family name. The Respondent also states that it had no knowledge of the Complainant or its trademark until receiving the Complaint.


The three member panel pointed out that the LERINS mark was acquired in late 2020, thus trailing the domain’s registration.

Lerins.com: NameFind scores Reverse Domain Hijacking decision


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