At least one very expensive .me premium domain sale occurred in April.

Logo for .me has .me in white letters inside a red circle

The registry for .me domain names has published premium domain name sales data for 2021.

It sold 72 premium .me domain names for total registry revenue of €694,500. (This does not include the registrar markup.) The previous report covered 13 months to the end of 2020. During that time, 79 premium domains were registered for a total of €453,500.


The higher sales value appears to have been helped by a whale of a sale in April. 8 premium domains were sold that month for a total of €293,000. Most premium domain sales are one and two character domains, and I suspect a big one character domain sold that month. A chart showing average price by length shows €25,357 for one and two character domains.

GoDaddy sold 37 domains, followed by Namecheap at 11 and Gandi at 7. Gandi must have sold the most valuable domain(s) because it accounted for 43% of revenue.

Meta Platforms ( and Zoom ( were among premium domain registrants last year.


Most of the buyers (71%) were in the United States.

Post link: .Me reports increased premium domain revenue in 2021

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Original article: .Me reports increased premium domain revenue in 2021

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