Negotiating when the first offer is very high
Posted on 29 October 2021 by NamePros Daily
Today: sold for $50,050 / Can anyone recommend great outbound domain brokers? / How you Can Make A Living With Domain Investing Like The Pros / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Buying BB and SH Published Names ($25-$100) – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these BrandBucket or SquadHelp published domains that this buyer is looking for. This might be a chance at some spending cash this weekend.
Buying domains with parking revenue – Budget: Up to $150.00 – If you have any parked domain name assets in your portfolio generating a little revenue, this could be an opportunity at liquidating them for some fast cash.
The Appraisal of – This is an interesting looking thirteen-letter, three-word, long-tail, Geo, .com, but is it good enough to have some liquid value in today’s market? What would you appraise it for? sold for $50,050 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a ten-character, two-words + two-numbers, .com domain for a mid-five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
How you Can Make A Living With Domain Investing Like The Pros – There are a lot of full-time domain investors that only buy and resell domain name assets. They quit their nine to five jobs long ago. Take a look at how some domain investors managed to do it and compare notes.
Can anyone recommend great outbound domain brokers? – When it comes to brokering domain names using outbound techniques, which domain broker or brokerage has the best results? Take a peak at who some domain investors recommend and share your experience.
Negotiating when the first offer is very high – When it comes to getting an offer for one of your domains that is on the very high-end, do you still try to counter for a higher price in your negotiation process or do you just accept it? Take a look at what’s being said.
Original article: Negotiating when the first offer is very high
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