will help you understand what is selling (and for how much).

A chart from showing price ranges for sold domains analyzes aftermarket domain sales.

Domain investor Leanne McMahon has launched a new website that analyzes the previous day’s domain name sales. analyzes all of the sales reported in NameBio

to create a daily summary. It also layers in third-party data to better understand what domains are selling.

Additional data include the GoDaddy appraisal value, age, and if the domains contain hyphens or numbers. For example, on January 31, 5.9% of sold domains contained a number, 30.7% were one word second level domains, and the oldest domain was 26 years old.

McMahon says more data will be added in the future, such as character counts and if the domain sold for more or less than the GoDaddy appraisal. (I suspect that higher-priced sales will be above the appraisal amount, and lower-priced ones will be below.)


The site will also include monthly summaries once more data are available.

Post link: New stats site analyzes daily domain sales

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Original article: New stats site analyzes daily domain sales

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