Crypto domains: The Domain King completes acquisition of AssCoins.com
Rick Schwartz invests in crypto domains.
A few years ago, Rick Schwartz acquired the domain AssCoin.com.
It was the beginning of the crypto era in domain names in 2017, and the Domain King snapped the “ass coin” domain, perhaps in jest due to the proliferation of all the alt-coins.
Fast forward to 2021 and Rick Schwartz announced that his domain ASS.com is under contract for $6 million dollars at a minimum, plus royalties.
It comes as no surprise that the Domain King also acquired AssCoins.com from HugeDomains, for $3,695 dollars apparently. The domain’s WHOIS info changed after May 31, 2021 from that of HugeDomains.
So all the “ass” pieces are falling together: Ass.com, AssCoin.com, and AssCoins.com, pointing to the direction of a new cryptocurrency worth at least $6 million dollars.
We cannot wait for the official announcement!
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Original article: The Domain King completes acquisition of AssCoins.com :DomainGang
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