Kassey Lee examined all 676 two letter .com combos to see how many are used by Chinese companies.

Two Ls on a background that is yellow on the top and blue on the bottom

A lot of 2L .com domains have moved to China, but how many of them are actually put to use?

To answer this question, I generated a list of 676 two-letter .com domains. (676 is the maximum number of two-letter domains possible.) I visited each domain and checked its contents. I also checked if the domain is used as an acronym.

In my final list, I have excluded end users obviously located outside China, such as DF.com (Digital Future) and JU.com (聚币) in Singapore. Below is the list.

DomainEnd userAcronymApplication
BL.comBai Lian (百联)yShopping
CH.comChun Qiu (春秋)nTravel
CY.comChang You (畅游)yGames
EQ.comYi Kong (易控)nAutos
EV.comElectric Vehicle (电动汽车观察家)yAutos
GG.comGG GamesnGames
GZ.comMing Yang (名扬由)nDomains
HG.comWan Jia Huan Gou (万嘉欢购)yWines
IQ.comAi Qi Yi (爱奇艺)nVideos
JD.comJing Dong (京东)yeCommerce
JK.comJiu Zhou Tong Jian Kang (九州通健康)yShopping
KE.comBei Ke (贝壳)nReal estate
KK.comDuo Ku (多酷)nGames
KM.comQi Mao (七猫)nVideos
LE.comLe Shi (乐视)nTV
LT.comLe Tou (乐投)yGames & lottery
LU.comLu Jin Suo (陆金所)nFinance
LY.comTong Cheng (同程)nTravel
MI.comXiao Mi (小米)nSmartphones
NN.comQian Kuan (千款)nGames
OD.comOD (OD体育)nSports betting
PT.comPlayers Times (玩家时代)yGames?
QQ.comTeng Xun Wang (腾讯网)nNews
QX.comQi Xin (齐心)yShopping
RO.comXian Jing Chuan Shuo (仙境传说)nGames
SO.com360 Sou Suo (360搜索)nSearch engine
VX.comWei Xiao Wang (微小网)nDesign plans
WJ.comWan Jia (玩家)yGames to launch?
WQ.comWan Qian (万千)yShopping
XA.comJi Fei (极飞)nDrones
XD.comXin Dong (心动)yGames
XF.comXian Feng (仙峰)yGames
XQ.comXin Qi (新奇)yBlog
XZ.comXZ.COMnDomain registrar
YW.comYun Wei (运维)yInternet services
YY.comJin Hong (津虹)nVideos
ZI.comZi Li Hang Jian (字里行间)nChinese fonts
ZJ.comZhe Jiang(浙江)yZe Jiang news
ZY.comZhuo Yue (卓越)yEducation

There are 43 domains developed into Chinese websites, which represents only 6% of the 676 domains. Less than half (42%) are acronyms and many of them represent 2-pin names, such as BL.com for Bai Lian (百联), CY.com for Chang You (畅游), and JD.com for Jing Dong (京东).

I highlight 2L and 2-pin here because of their special place in corporate China, as described in “What’s 2-pin and why does it matter for domain investing?“.

Post link: These 43 two letter .com domains are used by Chinese companies

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Original article: These 43 two letter .com domains are used by Chinese companies

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