Epik was the top news story last month after the registrar was hacked.

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Guess what the top story on Domain Name Wire was last month? And the second? Third? Fourth… Yes, they were all about Epik.

Here are the top stories on Domain Name Wire last month, ranked by pageviews.


1. The Epik Hack – The top five stories on Domain Name Wire in September were related to the hack of domain name registrar Epik, so I’m going to combine these into one. Hackers claimed a significant breach that unmasked the details behind private domain registrations at Epik. It also disclosed credit card details reportedly including CVV numbers, which businesses aren’t supposed to store. Rob Monster responded with a three-hour video call during which a guy with a Swastika tattoo showed up, and Monster took down a site that doxxed one of the callers.

2. Rob Monster files lawsuit to halt transfer of VOCL.com – Epik CEO Rob Monster gets yet another appearance on this month’s rankings. This story involves the My Pillow guy. Because, why not?

3. Domaining.com owner wins RDNH in cybersquatting dispute – Francois Carrillo beat another Francois in a cybersquatting dispute. The losing Francois was not happy about it.

4. This .xyz investor is having a heck of a week – only to top herself a week later. Here’s who is buying her domains.

5. Namecheap begins selling blockchain-based domain names – It’s the biggest domain registrar to sell alt-root blockchain-based domain names.

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Post link: Top domain name stories from September (no surprise!)

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Original article: Top domain name stories from September (no surprise!)

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