sold for $5,500
Posted on 11 September 2021 by NamePros Daily
Today: Exact match domain and…. / What it takes to be as good as DNgear and Rick / Someone wants to buy my domain. I’m a rookie. What do I do next? / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
The appraisal of – That’s an interesting ten-letter, two-word, .com, but is it good enough to have some liquid value in today’s market? What would you appraise it for?
Buying four-letter .com Domains – Budget: $300 to $2,000
Someone wants to buy my domain. I’m a rookie. What do I do next? – Have you ever been in this situation before? What would you do? Check out this domain resellers negotiation and share some of your experience as to what they should do next.
What it takes to be as good as DNgear and Rick – Do you have what it takes to be as good as Rick or DNgear? Check out what some domain investors are saying about their own skills and compare notes.
Exact match domain and…. – What do you call domain names that are not in an exact match category? Take a look at what some domain investors are saying. sold for $5,500 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a twelve-letter, two-word, .com domain for a mid-four-figures, Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Original article: sold for $5,500 – Domaining Tips | Domaining Tips
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