Microfaser.com sold for $42,348
Posted on 05 January 2022 by NamePros Daily
Today: We might be underestimating .xyz / The Appraisal of SUWP.com / Venmo, PayPal and Cash App will now have to report transactions totaling more than $600 to the IRS / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
The Appraisal of SUWP.com – That’s an interesting looking four-letter, pronounceable, brandable, .com domain, but is it good enough to have some liquid value in today’s market? What would you appraise it for?
Venmo, PayPal and Cash App will now have to report transactions totaling more than $600 to the IRS – As a domain name investor. does the new IRS policy change for tax reporting effect your business model? Take a look at what’s being said and compare notes.
We might be underestimating .xyz – Do you think there is something to all the .xyz discussion lately or could it all just by hype? Take a look at what’s being said about it and share your experience.
Microfaser.com sold for $42,348 – That’s not a bad domain name sales report for a ten-letter, pronounceable, brandable, .com domain for a mid-five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Original article: Microfaser.com sold for $42,348 – Domaining Tips | Domaining Tips
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