sold for $22,133
Posted on 16 February 2022 by NamePros Daily
Today: Buying 3L + 4L + 2 word .xyz – Budget: Up to $150.00 ea. / Buying brandables & 1-2 words (.com & .co) – Budget: Up to $500.00 / Looking to buy one-word .US domain – Budget: Up to $500.00 / and more…
Here are the new discussions that caught my eye in the domain community today:
Looking for .xyz and .app names taken in 80+ extensions – Budget: Up to $100.00 – Check your domain name portfolio for one of these .app or .xyz domains taken in over 80 extensions. If you have what they want, it could become an easy way to liquidate some assets fast.
Looking to buy one-word .US domain – Budget: Up to $500.00 – Do you have a single-word .us ccTLD like what this investor is trying to find? If so, this might be a chance at some quick reinvestment capital.
Buying brandables & 1-2 words (.com & .co) – Budget: Up to $500.00 – If you have any of these brandables, single-word, or two-word, .com or .co domains this member is looking for, it could lead to some rapid cash in your pocket.
Buying 3L + 4L + 2 word .xyz – Budget: Up to $150.00 ea. – Be sure to check your domain name portfolio for one of these three-letter, four-letter, or two-word, .xyz ngTLD’s that this buyer needs. This could be an opportunity at some fast-spending cash this weekend. sold for $22,133 – That’s a nice six-letter, single-word, .com domain that sold for five-figures. Do you think it should have sold for more or less than what it sold for?
Original article: sold for $22,133 – Domaining Tips | Domaining Tips
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