Its tourism council now obtained in a settlement.

Picture of Doha, Qatar skyline

Qatar National Tourism Council obtained after a lengthy legal battle.

In the end, Qatar got what it was after.

The country’s tourism council is now the owner of record for, which it forwards to its official website at


Qatar National Tourism Council won a UDRP it filed against the domain in 2019. The owner, Teymur Mehdiyev of Azerbaijan, had created a travel booking website on the domain and obtained a U.S. trademark for “Visit Qatar.”

It was a questionable UDRP decision, and Mehdiyev subsequently sued the Tourism Council to retain the domain. He won.

But Qatar wouldn’t relent. Last year, through another state-owned entity, it sued Mehdiyev for trademark infringement.


Qatar voluntarily dismissed the case last month after settling with Mehdiyev. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed. But, clearly, the settlement included transferring the domain name.


Post link: Qatar settles dispute with owner

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Original article: Qatar settles dispute with owner

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