
Sedo informed its customers that it is suspending the trading and parking for .ru and .by domains and that it is currently unable to serve customers from Russia or Belarus, as well as corresponding bank accounts. The affected accounts will be temporarily deactivated.

Here is the complete email that Sedo sent:


“The current geopolitical situation in Ukraine has a direct and indirect impact on business relations with Russian and Belarusian business partners.

Due to the current situation, we have to inform you that Sedo has suspended trading and parking for domains under .ru and .by. In addition, we are currently unable to serve customers residing in Russia or Belarus, as well as corresponding bank accounts. The affected accounts will be temporarily deactivated.

We ask for your understanding that, due to the present situation, we cannot guarantee payment processing with Russian and Belarusian business partners.


Sedo disapproves of any kind of hate and violence, as well as anything that radically contradicts our corporate values. Therefore, for the sake of the civilians involved, we hope for an early resolution of this conflict.”

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Original article: Sedo suspends trading and parking of .ru and .by domains

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