Cybersquatting panel denies claim over domains after business partnership ends in dispute.

Four Ns on orange and blue background

A National Arbitration Forum panelist has denied a UDRP for two four-number domain names.

A National Arbitration Forum panel has denied a cybersquatting complaint for the domain names and


According to both the Complainant and Respondent, the parties were business partners but apparently went their separate ways. The current domain owner says that, after asking the Complainant to let him manage and register the domains and being told no, he still gained registration of the domains. It’s not clear how he obtained control of the domains.

Business partnership disputes are outside the scope of UDRP.

In this case, panelist Dennis Foster decided to make a decision, but it was easy. He ruled that the Complainant didn’t show any trademark rights in the domains.


Both parties are in China, and the case decision doesn’t list any lawyers.

Post link: UDRP is not the way to resolve business partnership disputes

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Original article: UDRP is not the way to resolve business partnership disputes

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