
The domain name Naomi.com has expired after 24 years, been registered since the 11th of February 1998.

The domain name Naomi.com appears to have been previously sold for $8,000 USD according to GoDaddy, where they also note naomi.biz, sold for $280 USD, Naomi.Global sold for $1,200 USD, Naomi.org sold for $2,388 USD.

At the time of writing this post, there had been 25 bidders, placing 55 bids totaling $24,472 USD being the current price of Naomi.com

What price do you think it will close at today? I suspect it will rise over the coming 8 hours to break at least $25,000 USD.

Checking back on Archive.org, the domain name doesn’t appear to have ever been developed and stayed offline since 2014 until expiring last month.

The domain name was /is owned by Naomi Gleit, who is vice-president of social good, growth, engagement, and identity at Facebook. She has been identified as Facebook’s longest-serving employee after CEO Mark Zuckerberg, having been at the company from July 18, 2005, to the present, she also used to have the domain name NaomiGleit.com but that appears to have expired also, other names once associated with Naomi Gleit included NaomiToday.com which also expired.


Will Naomi Gleit renew the domain name Naomi.com only time will tell… Check out the auction to follow

About the Author


Robbie Ferguson is an Internet Entrepreneur, Domain Investor, Domain Broker, Blogger and founder of various websites and eCommerce businesses such as ScreenProtectors.co.uk

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Original article: Auction Closes Today, Five Figure Bids Already…

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