A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on December 26, 2021.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

15595.comEnded with bids$246.006
3dfak.comEnded with bids$305.0029
87162.comEnded with bids$165.0016
888778.comEnded with bids$721.0070
AdoptMePets.comEnded with bids$180.0035
AlderneyWreck.comEnded with bids$880.0040
AlphaHealthcare.comEnded with bids$1,534.00103
AnyReader.comEnded with bids$2,550.0043
ApnaMortgage.comEnded with bids$109.0012
AquaVerse.comEnded with bids$5,105.00110
ArizonaMedicalMarijuanaClinic.comEnded with bids$1,775.00102
BackPainSolutionsOnline.comEnded with bids$50.007
BackToFuck.comEnded with bids$805.00111
BandPasses.comEnded with bids$405.0051
BeSoIndeSavoir.comEnded with bids$317.0054
Carmenboullosa.netEnded with bids$450.0075
CinemaLaurier.comEnded with bids$985.00133
CollegeStreetUnited.comEnded with bids$110.0021
Compassion4Addiction.orgEnded with bids$304.0010
CrossTechnology.comEnded with bids$960.00108
CurtMooReshootFireRanch.comEnded with bids$104.0017
Demo4LeoTheme.comEnded with bids$171.0031
DiabeticBox.comEnded with bids$1,503.0062
DifferentSizes.comEnded with bids$238.0014
DigitalAgency.orgEnded with bids$650.0082
DigitalYamunanagar.comEnded with bids$77.0015
DinGen.comEnded with bids$1,338.0051
DragonTheGame.netEnded with bids$105.0011
EightBridgesBrewing.comEnded with bids$331.0035
Escape-Indy.comEnded with bids$173.005
EscapeLou.comEnded with bids$105.0010
EuropaMultiClub.comEnded with bids$2,870.0037
FaithPerceptions.comEnded with bids$270.0026
Findinguphoria.comEnded with bids$290.0035
FitPatricks.comEnded with bids$614.0069
Free-DoRama.comEnded with bids$111.005
FreeportFlagLadies.comEnded with bids$185.0012
FreshVita.comEnded with bids$459.0016
GoodHighs.comEnded with bids$205.008
Gotonacc.orgEnded with bids$530.0064
GroupMix.comEnded with bids$310.0028
HisCloud.comEnded with bids$905.0093
IdoMusic.comEnded with bids$605.0055
InstantEmailAddress.comEnded with bids$225.0038
Jabbr.netEnded with bids$5,100.00116
JustDefi.comEnded with bids$520.0092
KensingtonCrossings.comEnded with bids$32.006
LastOrganicOutpost.comEnded with bids$510.0062
LeaseDomains.comEnded with bids$80,000.00320
LeasingConsultants.comEnded with bids$511.0063
liceofermibo.netEnded with bids$200.0031
LinkFromBlog.comEnded with bids$185.009
LogoLoft.comEnded with bids$205.0017
Lorenzogovoni.comEnded with bids$595.0019
LPNProductions.comEnded with bids$50.009
Lyrocases.comEnded with bids$285.0052
Makhits.coEnded with bids$510.0064
MarketerFunnels.comEnded with bids$82.0015
MediaNewSline.comEnded with bids$420.0039
Migala.netEnded with bids$155.007
MortgageConsult.comEnded with bids$403.0018
NewHeightsGrill.comEnded with bids$510.0043
NicoleDesmond.comEnded with bids$145.0029
NortheastWaterfalls.comEnded with bids$3,150.0064
Nudrocks.comEnded with bids$455.0066
OakgroveMastiffs.comEnded with bids$80.009
OurShowroom.comEnded with bids$300.0024
PearlsPlease.comEnded with bids$183.0021
PhoneIQ.comEnded with bids$1,852.0094
Pollr.comEnded with bids$1,425.0054
PreLawHandbook.comEnded with bids$495.0030
PuzzlesBakeryCafe.comEnded with bids$890.0036
RoadCandy.comEnded with bids$520.0034
Roofernewbraunfelstx.comEnded with bids$155.0017
RyanMaguireMusic.comEnded with bids$255.0024
SavingBenefits.comEnded with bids$145.005
SavvyBet.comEnded with bids$409.0028
Secretmovs.comEnded with bids$1,790.00144
SharingCode.comEnded with bids$786.0068
SillySally.comEnded with bids$563.0022
SportDnipro.comEnded with bids$810.0028
TB88.comEnded with bids$2,400.0068
TheDutchHouse.comEnded with bids$692.0090
TheMagicalWorldOf.comEnded with bids$326.0039
TheNeutralView.comEnded with bids$221.0045
TheStjamesMineola.comEnded with bids$485.0044
TheSundayGlutton.comEnded with bids$170.0012
ValueMind.comEnded with bids$1,125.0041
WalkerTeaReview.comEnded with bids$305.0021
420Trust.comEnded with bids$182.0019
420Holdings.comEnded with bids$611.0073
TableCoin.comEnded with bids$338.0030
BestCapital.orgEnded with bids$17.002
ScreenConcepts.comEnded with bids$864.0015
OwnThisHouse.comEnded with bids$392.0068

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

Artistic.ly You should be long anything related to NFTs


Dumb.gg Smart choice

Available in two days

Sloth.gg Take your time

At $104 with 6 days left

Store.xyz Getting a great first bid

At $33,999 with 3 days left

Neybo.com No bids, no reserve

No bids with 2 days left

Info.xyz XYZ is the shit right now

At $888 with 3 days left

Namejet Names at Auction

Data-Informed.com $8,400
AndroidZoom.com $5,916
FreshPick.com $3,500
PumpJack.com $2,988
Dekorasyon.com $2,707
ValorGroup.com $1,450
KaraokeMusic.com $1,401
HuntPro.com $975
4block.com $925
tytz.com $680


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Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF DECEMBER 26, 2021

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