A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on January 6, 2022.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

TeleMed.meEnded with bids$12.001
ThinkCloud.comEnded with bids$11,252.00191
PetWork.comEnded with bids$3,600.00132
SevenCo.comEnded with bids$1,685.0073
LaserExpert.comEnded with bids$1,857.00138
DenverCarpet.comEnded with bids$1,125.0097
iLoveCamping.comEnded with bids$2,500.00137
ToughDecisions.comEnded with bids$1,159.0053
RocketGlobal.comEnded with bids$1,800.0055
HolisticHuman.comEnded with bids$1,275.0047
GiftTheEarth.comEnded with bids$12.001
aastudio.comEnded with bids$2,150.0055
PassWorld.ccEnded with bids$141.0018
neuberger.comEnded with bids$9,500.00138
nuport.comEnded with bids$4,950.00110
1dl.bizEnded with bids$157.0014
dushen.comEnded with bids$7,877.0089
caterra.comEnded with bids$1,668.0057
j6s.comEnded with bids$230.0022
vetimaging.comEnded with bids$1,710.0024
durar.comEnded with bids$1,650.0060
CoinTraffic.netEnded with bids$104.0013
NftWars.comEnded with bids$1,615.0063
usmeta.comEnded with bids$2,258.00100
pulpito.comEnded with bids$725.0054
DolphinCove.comEnded with bids$1,825.0062
EricReed.netEnded with bids$770.0031
QualityHardware.comEnded with bids$1,376.0086
wsnf.comEnded with bids$260.0032
11989.comEnded with bids$292.0023
todocvcd.orgEnded with bids$132.009
unwd.comEnded with bids$997.00 *45
34890.comEnded with bids$80.0015
FeedMag.comEnded with bids$12,750.00 *107
waishun.comEnded with bids$256.0031
GuestMate.comEnded with bids$1,475.0060
brandified.comEnded with bids$2,000.0086
CollegeProfiles.comEnded with bids$265.00 *24
SolutionPay.comEnded with bids$950.0037
FullSwap.comEnded with bids$1,180.0054
verez.comEnded with bids$346.0028
jzei.comEnded with bids$171.0023
GroceryPro.comEnded with bids$2,180.0040
FiveCondoms.comEnded with bids$101.0021
NeuroHope.comEnded with bids$1,025.0013
StateHoldings.comEnded with bids$470.0016
TheSuperficial.comEnded with bids$39,500.00 *98
vufg.comEnded with bids$177.0024
BensBeans.orgEnded with bids$161.0012
animemf.orgEnded with bids$157.0014
87090.comEnded with bids$130.0025
intandemtheatre.orgEnded with bids$520.0016
diafrica.orgEnded with bids$295.0016
AudientAlliance.orgEnded with bids$710.0017
tifaq.comEnded with bids$2,136.0059
solarpvadvisor.comEnded with bids$90.0010
RealMarketingAgency.comEnded with bids$202.0028
IlkFullFilmIzle.comEnded with bids$142.009
LeteMin.comEnded with bids$35.006
JohnHayDon.comEnded with bids$2,550.0052
ticketwiz.comEnded with bids$990.0036
NewProgs.netEnded with bids$2,452.00159
utlife.comEnded with bids$560.0098
ryscorp.comEnded with bids$651.0059
brewstercapecod.orgEnded with bids$275.0015
ToThisPeed.comEnded with bids$268.0053
BaltimoreAnimalShelter.orgEnded with bids$2,025.0065
KatanaForensics.comEnded with bids$385.0015
dinneruh.comEnded with bids$315.0056
mrnoow.comEnded with bids$450.0012
CountOnChris.comEnded with bids$288.0015
melodystevens.comEnded with bids$60.0011
EdiblePlantProject.orgEnded with bids$400.0074
EleventhStep.comEnded with bids$415.0024
MothersAlwaysWrite.comEnded with bids$730.0023
UltimateLocator.comEnded with bids$715.0033
WebTrafficGenie.comEnded with bids$215.0041
EquipmentEmporium.comEnded with bids$222.0019
neelysbbqparlor.comEnded with bids$255.007
mimshousenc.comEnded with bids$265.0018
DoitKits.comEnded with bids$185.0029
VisitPinas.comEnded with bids$2,025.00120
mrbillspools.comEnded with bids$80.007
barclayeventspdx.comEnded with bids$520.0043
CalendarForOffice.comEnded with bids$300.0047
streetbonersandtvcarnage.comEnded with bids$500.007
MiguelMarquezOutside.comEnded with bids$570.0014
FeastAsheville.comEnded with bids$305.0013
AmazingTraveLandTour.comEnded with bids$155.0031
ViewpointAmbulance.comEnded with bids$75.009
rajephilly.comEnded with bids$52.0010
NewsiesFreak.comEnded with bids$50.008
BankChainTech.comEnded with bids$786.0029
LancasterNationalSpeedway.comEnded with bids$105.0012
AnthonySonTheBeach.comEnded with bids$335.0063
CheapWaysTo.comEnded with bids$410.0057
tacariweddings.comEnded with bids$700.00123
ussdmountainview.comEnded with bids$42.007
AutoChipsDirect.comEnded with bids$40.008
BluemountainArtists.comEnded with bids$110.0021
PixelObject.comEnded with bids$405.0050
HockeyPenguinsOnline.comEnded with bids$129.007
TheGymDowntown.comEnded with bids$150.0014
ShawarmaInnChicago.comEnded with bids$65.005
inkkapparel.comEnded with bids$124.0021
prek-8.comEnded with bids$3,050.00126
SeniorLivingAssistant.comEnded with bids$910.0066
CadenceWatch.comEnded with bids$3,050.0073

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

Paradise.gg – IYKYK, IYDKYNGMI…


AKA.gg – Maybe JT aka Jay Tee aka Jay to the Tenth Power aka JT Double Hockey Sticks aka Jonathan “The Royal” Tenenbaum from DomainSherpa should grab this one…


Puke.co – Ew. Gag site, maybe? Not a great brand… 🤨


Namejet Names at Auction

BodyGear.com $4,002
DreamPools.com $3,300
JustJewelry.com $1,550
minney.com $925
wnbb.com $700
FalseAlarms.com $669
GottaEat.com $625
btgp.com $500
UltimateTrust.com $480
iadventures.com $359

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Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF JANUARY 6, 2022

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