A look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the domain auction list posted on May 2, 2022.

If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve.  I’m only showing where the price was when the domain auction ended, but the name may not have sold if a reserve was in place.

GoDaddy Names at Auction

00010.comEnded with bids$811.0037
381111.comEnded with bids$120.0019
6abib.comEnded with bids$75.0014
83319.comEnded with bids$160.0017
91500.comEnded with bids$1,084.00101
9k.netEnded with bids$3,452.00125
a56.comEnded with bids$2,525.00137
a90.comEnded with bids$3,150.0095
ACHNews.orgEnded with bids$360.0044
Aniello.comEnded with bids$1,109.0047
BallCap.comEnded with bids$14,944.00185
BankBrewing.comEnded with bids$403.0016
Bechet.comEnded with bids$735.0071
BerksLandscaping.comEnded with bids$106.008
BetStream.comEnded with bids$3,609.0081
BettingDetectives.comEnded with bids$660.0069
BlockMasterSecurity.comEnded with bids$365.0024
CardioStudio.comEnded with bids$620.0017
Charcutier.comEnded with bids$405.0053
CopperTansSalon.comEnded with bids$65.008
CQ88.comEnded with bids$2,550.00141
CurrentlyTrending.comEnded with bids$385.0030
DesertTrailsHiking.comEnded with bids$80.007
disabilityrights-cdr.orgEnded with bids$710.0034
DIYExpert.comEnded with bids$1,425.00138
ELABet.comEnded with bids$617.009
ExtremeBootCamp.comEnded with bids$310.0021
FredFiggleHorn.comEnded with bids$520.0066
FuelRocks.comEnded with bids$1,525.0063
FutureHoldings.comEnded with bids$1,158.0072
GrantCenter.comEnded with bids$690.0039
HackMySolar.comEnded with bids$250.0045
HolyAngels.comEnded with bids$1,655.0071
Honein.comEnded with bids$832.0051
HookRestaurants.comEnded with bids$306.0022
HotgVibe.comEnded with bids$2,125.0075
IdealCapCo.comEnded with bids$490.0087
ImproveYou.comEnded with bids$1,109.00113
IslanderBarPensacolabeach.comEnded with bids$90.0018
JoinFilms.comEnded with bids$331.0049
kinesiscd.comEnded with bids$190.0012
laislacevicheria.comEnded with bids$187.0013
LaredoWesternWear.comEnded with bids$1,575.0096
LockAndMane.comEnded with bids$245.0018
M97.comEnded with bids$2,650.00124
MacIzle.comEnded with bids$541.0027
MagGies-Makeup.comEnded with bids$185.0026
MapleHillsGolfclub.comEnded with bids$205.0020
MistyLakeSpetResort.comEnded with bids$64.006
MoonMeta.comEnded with bids$1,592.0054
Move2Manhattanbeach.comEnded with bids$59.003
my-tepanyaki.comEnded with bids$2,550.00148
N88.comEnded with bids$47,798.00181
nakbainhebrew.orgEnded with bids$355.0031
Narei.comEnded with bids$268.0035
NearToZero.comEnded with bids$95.0018
NorwalkDental.comEnded with bids$255.0028
nramemberscouncils.comEnded with bids$1,275.0033
oHoney.comEnded with bids$1,400.0073
omanbyutmb.comEnded with bids$1,275.0038
PalmettoSalon.comEnded with bids$205.006
PatentLawAttorney.comEnded with bids$222.0042
PlaqueSandLetters.comEnded with bids$80.0013
Predicto.comEnded with bids$4,753.00137
pu777.comEnded with bids$130.0020
RescueRepair.comEnded with bids$299.0044
RewardingCareer.comEnded with bids$463.0087
RunGun.comEnded with bids$545.0079
SBAPaycheck.comEnded with bids$1,784.00103
SellMyVehicle.comEnded with bids$720.0045
Shearblissoc.comEnded with bids$265.0015
SkyPlace.comEnded with bids$901.0081
SmartBeans.comEnded with bids$875.0054
SoUndid.comEnded with bids$1,174.0054
SparkleMore.comEnded with bids$403.0060
StarWebMalta.comEnded with bids$1,325.0079
StumpysNYPizza.comEnded with bids$670.0021
SuperMercAdoLavilla.comEnded with bids$235.0022
Unhingedatv.comEnded with bids$165.0014
Verlocal.comEnded with bids$2,136.0027
Villedgenc.comEnded with bids$105.008
WaterbuckPump.comEnded with bids$830.0032
WeareTogether.comEnded with bids$3,855.00131
WebMusic.ccEnded with bids$510.0072
WhoppperMe.comEnded with bids$780.00130
WorldsStrongestLibrarian.comEnded with bids$1,136.0024
YYK.netEnded with bids$465.0029
YYQ.netEnded with bids$356.0032
ZGZK.comEnded with bids$217.0036
TheReadyGroup.comEnded with bids$500.0074
Thegis.comEnded with bids$405.0046
HigherNation.comEnded with bids$205.0025
DigitalWorldExchange.comEnded with bids$174.0011
BlueSedge.comEnded with bids$260.0013

Click Here if you are unable to see the table of GoDaddy results, because you are viewing via the RSS feed.


Other Names at Auction

Wrong.ly Good use of dot ly

At $305 and ending soon

Responsib.ly It’s the day of dot ly. People are starting to accept all tlds at this point. Like they always hoped

At $1,100 with 2 days left

Exit.gg Exit it as in sell the company

At $109 with a week left

181.io As described above, numbers are making a comeback

At $115 with 5 days left

Namejet Names at Auction

buking.com $5,505
iartist.com $2,450
TeachersTryScience.org $1,501
swisstex.com $1,153
ietd.com $1,100
toong.com $720
LabPlan.com $715
PerfectParties.com $601
pfem.com $600
hainet.com $500

Source link

Original article: AUCTION RECAP OF MAY 2, 2022

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