In the last week, I have learned about 3 seven figure domain name sales that closed this month. I know two of the three names, but I do not know the sale prices for any of these domain names. To my knowledge, none of these sales are going to be reported publicly. These sales will end up being more along the lines of hearsay, although I heard directly from principals on two of the three deals.

I had a fairly routine August in terms of domain name sales. I sold seven domain names with one Afternic sale from August 24th still pending payment. None of these sales were noteworthy from a value perspective. I spent quite a bit more on acquisitions in August than I made in sales, including the acquisition of


When I look back on the year, August will likely be one of the worst months for my business in terms of revenue. This isn’t a surprise since the Summer months are typically slower than the rest of the year.

Despite my own slow month, I think it is pretty clear that the domain name aftermarket is humming. A quick look at the DNJournal year to date sales report shows how strong the market is right now. As they say, this is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of domain name sales.

You would need to break the six figure market to even get in the top 88 publicly reported domain name sales right now. I bet by the end of the year, a $100k sale would not even make the list of the top 100 sales for 2021. This is remarkable considering a $60,000 sale made the chart last year and a sale just shy of $60,000 made the chart in 2019.


Digital assets are on a tear this year, and the domain name aftermarket is hot right now. This may go down as the best year in history.

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Original article: Domain Aftermarket is Humming |

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