The Internet Commerce Association (ICA) will be hosting a unique session at NamesCon this week. The ICA teamed up with the International Trademark Association’s Lori Schulman to host a mock UDRP hearing. This session will offer insight about the UDRP proceeding from all sides of a complaint using a fictitious UDRP dispute. I imagine this unique session will be something most domain investors could benefit from watching.
Participating on this panel are five individuals with extensive UDRP and legal expertise:
– Georges Nahitchevansky, Partner at Kilpatrick Townsend, playing the role of Complainant’s Counsel.
– Attorney Karen Bernstein, playing the role of Respondent’s Counsel.
– Three UDRP Panelists who deliberate and deliver a decision: Francine Tan, the Chair, with Gerald Levine and Steven Levy.
To give viewers background information, details about the fictional UDRP case can be found on a factsheet on the ICA website.
In advance of the panel, the ICA also shared a video with snippets from this prerecorded session to give people an idea of how the session will be presented:
I believe this will be the first time outsiders will be able to get an idea of how a UDRP panel deliberates and reaches its decision.
Towards the end of the session, there will be a question and answer period for NamesCon attendees to pose to the participants.
This unique panel will take place on Friday, September 24th at 3:50 pm UTC (11:50 am EST). It is open to NamesCon conference attendees.
Original article: ICA to Host Mock UDRP Hearing at NamesCon
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