Untapped agrees to a permanent injunction against using the Canvas brand.
Instructure and Untapped (formerly called Canvas) have settled their lawsuit.
Instructure (NYSE: INST) sued Canvas in November, arguing that the latter company’s rebrand from Jumpstart to Canvas infringed its trademarks. Canvas made counterclaims.
The judge in the case issued a preliminary injunction in favor of Instructure and ordered Canvas to stop using the Canvas brand within 15 days. This included changing its domain name away from Canvas.com.
Canvas appealed but couldn’t get the appeals court to reverse the preliminary injunction. The company missed the court’s deadline, and the judge found it in contempt of court.
With its legal options closing, Canvas rebranded to Untapped and moved to the domain untapped.io.
Terms of the settlement weren’t disclosed, although Untapped agreed to a permanent injunction from using the Canvas brand. The notice of dismissal says both parties will bear their own expenses.
As of right now, canvas.com forwards to untapped.io.
Canvas.com was acquired on a payment plan, which added complexity to the case.
Post link: Instructure and Canvas/Untapped settle lawsuit
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Original article: Instructure and Canvas/Untapped settle lawsuit
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