The domain name MetaTime.com has just sold on Sedo.com
The organization that appears to have purchased the domain name is SG INTERNATIONAL ELEKTRIK ELEKTRONIK AS whom appears to be a Turkish business that is trading on the domain name SGTrading.com.tr if it is the correct whois information currently showing for the domain name.
On their website, they describe themselves as
“Tech Supplier of Europe and Turkey Established thirteen years ago in Germany, our journey in tech distributorship has made us reach out to all the parts of Europe in a short time thanks to the trusting and steady environment created by our strong partners and business associates. With the available capital and our strong partners, we deliver world-famous brands with relevant costing to our clients and business associates within the shortest time possible. We are very excited to be reaching out to all business partners and clients in Europe from Turkey through our headquarters with our trade network and experiences. As SG Trading International, our mission is to achieve our goals to deliver the most innovative products and solutions to every part of Turkey and Europe as the leading tech supplier of both Turkey and Europe.
Ever since our founding in 2006, our ability to keep up to date with technology’s fast development and deliver the right products by understanding consumers’ expectations. To achieve this mission we are breaking new grounds and putting our signature on numerous novelties.”
Congratulations to the buyer SG INTERNATIONAL ELEKTRIK ELEKTRONIK AS and the seller Iniyan Selvamani again based on previous whois records – Nice way to close the week with $40,000 USD Domain Name Sale!
About the Author
Original article: MetaTime.com sells for $40,000 USD –
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