
The domain name InsuranceOklahoma.com has expired, it has been registered since 2001, the auction closes in less than 24 hours and bids as of the time of writing were only $17 USD.

I did a quick Bulk GoDaddy Search on all the other Insurance+US States.com and every single one is registered, now that doesn’t always mean a domain name is worth something because others are registered but let’s look at the keywords here.

Insurance is a multi-billion dollar industry and pays well in PPC, so could be developed for leads or AdWords, Oklahoma is the 20th largest state and has a population of 3,963,516 so there might be a few million people needing insurance… Well, $17 USD – Look it’s a steal in my eyes if it closes at this price point… I suspect it’s going to go higher but who knows… Will you be bidding?

Below are some comparable domains sold for the keyword term below.

Here are the 50 Insurance + State Dot Com Domain Names Noted Below


About the Author


Robbie Ferguson is an Internet Entrepreneur, Domain Investor, Domain Broker, Blogger and founder of various websites and eCommerce businesses such as ScreenProtectors.co.uk

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Original article: Only One Insurance+US State Available for $17 –

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