Daniel Negari’s company expands its portfolio of top level domains.
Today, ICANN announced the approval of 11 top level domain transfer requests resulting from the UNR auction that took place in May of last year. Frank Schilling’s UNR offered 23 top level domains for sale during that auction.
The transfers were delayed due to concerns about how UNR marketed the auctions, which suggested ownership in the strings as well as an off-DNS NFT.
XYZ was named the new operator of .audio, .christmas, .diet, .flowers, .game, .guitars, .hosting, .lol, .mom and .pics. The company previously partnered with UNR on some top level domains and bought out UNR’s interest in .car, .cars and .auto in 2020.
Separately, a new company called Dot Hip Hop acquired .hiphop. Dot Hip Hop was the most vocal company to complain to ICANN about the delay. (Apparently, the company acquired .hiphop after the auction. UNR said all of the domains sold in the auction, so it seems that the auction for this domain did not go through.)
ICANN said that, for the 11 transactions it has approved, the parties made significant changes to their transaction documents with UNR.
Post link: XYZ buys 10 new TLDs as ICANN consents to (some) UNR transfers
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Original article: XYZ buys 10 new TLDs as ICANN consents to (some) UNR transfers
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